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Employment Information


On-Campus Employment

持有F-1签证的学生可以在上课期间每周在校内工作20小时. F-1学生可以在年假和学期间休息期间每周在校工作20小时以上.

F-1 students may look for an on-campus job online at 或者去不同的部门询问他们是否有职位空缺. 有些院系包括书店、烹饪艺术学院、图书馆、维修部 & Grounds, and the Learning and Tutoring Center.

Off-Campus Employment

Working off-campus is very limited for students in F-1 status. However, 有一些关于实践培训和严重经济困难的工作授权的指导方针,学生可以阅读,看看他们是否符合条件. 请联系国际学生服务中心了解更多信息.

Practical Training

有两种类型的实践培训:课程实践培训(CPT)和选修实践培训(OPT). 实践训练允许学生在他们的研究领域工作一段特定的时间, depending on which type is authorized. 每种类型的实践培训都要求学生至少完成一学年的学习,并保持F-1身份. 英语作为第二语言课程的学生没有资格参加实践培训.

To apply for both types of practical training, email for directions.

Curricular Practical Training


CPT由国际学生服务中心(ISS)审核和授权。. ISS可以授权的时间数量取决于完成课程所需的工作. Thus, CPT varies by program. CPT通常是非全日制的,不会从学生一年的全日制OPT中扣除.

How to Apply for Curricular Practical Training

  • 确保实习课程是毕业所必需的,或者可以用来满足毕业要求.
  • 在你的实习课程开始前大约一个月与ISS的工作人员预约,确保你了解这些政策.
  • Follow the requirements listed in the CPT form from ISS.
  • After ISS completes the CPT work authorization, take your I-20, I-94, 和护照到社会保障局申请社会保险号. For directions on how to apply, please review the Social Security Number webpage for more information.

Access the directions and forms for Curricular Practical Training by clicking on ISS Forms.

Optional Practical Training

F-1学生可以申请完成后OPT来获得他们所学领域的工作 once 按教育程度(副学士、学士、硕士、博士).

To apply for OPT, students need to email ISS将根据移民法规和OPE电子竞技官网政策审查OPT申请. 重要提示:F-1学生将需要新的I-20和ISS第二页的OPT推荐. 如果学生没有在申请中附上这张I-20, USCIS很可能会拒绝申请.

学生在完成学业后的14个月内可以工作12个月. 当学生转到另一所学校或开始在另一个教育水平学习时,OPT结束.


  • 在一个完整学年的全日制基础上合法注册
  • Maintained F-1 status for at least a full academic year
  • Have not exceeded 12 months of full-time CPT authorization. (Part-time CPT does not affect OPT eligibility.)

F-1学生可以开始在他们的学习领域寻找工作, 但他们在拿到工作许可卡(EAD卡)后才能开始工作, which shows their start date. F-1学生可能会告诉潜在雇主,他们已经申请了实践培训,正在等待USCIS的回复. Employment must be related to the field of study!

Access the OPT Application Instructions by clicking on ISS Forms.

After OPT Approval


F-1 students may work at a full- or part-time job. Part-time jobs must be over 20 hours per week.

Self-employment is allowed. F-1 students must prove that they have proper business licenses.

Volunteer work or unpaid internships that do not violate U.S. labor laws are acceptable. The work must be over 20 hours per week.


Reporting Requirements to International Student Services

  • F-1 students are required to report personal contact information (name, address, phone number and email address) and employment information changes to International Student Services at within 10 days of the change.
  • F-1学生必须将其就业授权文件(工作许可)的PDF文件通过电子邮件发送到
  • F-1 student need to email their job offer letter to as soon as they receive it. 
  • F-1学生需要通过以下方式报告他们的就业信息 OPT Employment Information Form by clicking on ISS Forms or 2) by logging into in the SEVP Portal. 政府将通过电子邮件将获得批准的学生的链接发送到他们的个人电子邮件地址.
  • If F-1 students decide to go home (i.e., 放弃OPT)并在OPT到期前完成F-1身份, 请在离开美国前给国际学生服务中心发邮件.S.

Severe Economic Hardship

持F-1签证的学生,经济状况发生不可预见的变化, 如货币价值或汇率的大幅波动, unexpected changes in the financial condition of the sponsor, medical bills or other substantial and unexpected expenses, 谁是连续三个季度保持状态和良好的学术成绩, may be eligible for severe economic hardship work authorization. 严重经济困难的工作许可可能被签发最多一年或直到学生学业结束, whichever comes first. 此授权不影响学生申请可选的实践培训的能力或从就业时间中扣除. 在申请校外工作之前,学生应该真诚地努力在校内找到工作.

F-1 students may begin to look for employment, 但他们在拿到工作许可卡(EAD卡)后才能开始工作, which shows their start date. F-1学生可能会告诉潜在的雇主,他们已经申请了严重的经济困难,他们正在等待USCIS的回应.


Access the application instructions for Severe Economic Hardship by clicking on ISS Forms.

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